Monday 19 August 2024

Fun video of pretty trios

 Salam alayk

I have no idea where does this spirit of writing came but I can say the one that inspire me is Reen Zahari. I accidentally watch her video with her friends, Athirah and Alani during Korea trip on Jan 2017. It was hella fun trip to be watch and I already repeat watching three times...

I saw three beautiful lady in the video with crazy head (masuk air) and the genuine video was fun. Its not typical heavy edited video , just a normal shaky but fun video capturing moment. 

And from the video, I found one of the girls blog and it automatically inspired me. Okay they went to Korea on 2017 and now is 2024... How time flies. All three of them already so success in their life and still pretty as always. 

January is the month in my opinion that is worth to visit Seoul if you aim for the snow. But of course snow is so unpredictable and its no guarantee you will get a heavy one like in the video. Of course you always have second option. Sapporo. Yes, that place is the real Narnia. 

You can enjoy the video. 


I love their funky and playful...and they were so pretty and real. You know some vlogger, youtuber and influencer tend to control their hype and cover ayu. These girl don't. Mind you of them even nowadays one of beauty entreprenuer .

Now I missed Korea even more.

Tadika kemas activities


Recently I attend school (tadika kemas) gotong royong and participate in ...wait how to say tanam sawi in english. Yeah that. 🤣

We did some hydroponic watering and it was fun but tiring of course with hot weather but nevertheless it was second activity of that school which I joined. My twins officially start school this year and I'm entering mom-attend-school-event era. It was fun. 

Oh this is the second activity as the first one is mesyuarat pibg and yes it was fun as well. New challenge new life. That is the benefit of not working ( although I know I need to work to earn money ).. Hopefully if one fine day I restart working, I can still join any activities for my children. Be present, I know, that is the most important part. 

Be present. 

Be there.

Pat them on their back.

Smile toward them.

So that they know, we will always be there for them.

Oh dear, there goes my emotional night.

It was fun fun fun and I met new people, other mom...and it will be memorable for me. I don't know what event for Hana next in future but during her twin brother event, she never missed it.  Good start huh.

HELLO.... A years later

 Salam alayk and hello...

It's been a year(?) since the last update for this blog and phewwww I have no excuses to my laziness phase , lazybum attitude, lazy....and yes for all the word that shout the same purpose.


I guess I'm feeling so down and out of place these days and writing is my self cure back then. Perhaps I shall start writing again.