Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Perfect mom? Nope

Smell of milk
Smell of pee
Smell of poop

So if all those smell take turns on you, how would nice flowery scented perfume will have a chance to shine? You can spray and wait 30 minute before the babies start their show....and their smell takes control.

However, I love baby smell....the masham masham smell always the best and I know it wont lasts long. Someday when they grow up, it'll disappear.

Ever since become a mom...especially a mom of two ( for my melons twinny ), I often follow page of twincies mommy, triplet , quad and even a singleton baby mother. I also keen to follow pages that teach about sleeping baby, nutrition and such. Wow so much of being a mother huh. Back then I am more toward Kpop website. No more No more.

Yeppp still Kpopers inside me exist its just I had to switch the priority. My twins is my everything nowadays. huhuhu.

Being a mom....of course we want all the best thing in the world for our kids but being in a society that full of judgement, it might be challenging.

~~ "Hey you so poor can't you find job and feed your kid more...aren't you feel sympathy for them?'

~~ " My gosh is your milk enough. Go feed formulas for god sake. The baby starving".

~~ "You shouldn't do this that, you must do this that blablabla".

~~ "During my time, I did the best and my baby behave so well."

~~ "Why your baby so ugly. Why your baby so bad." (For god sake baby is a baby how can you define baby as 'bad'? )

~~ And the list goes on!!!!

People !!!!

You are killing the mommy. Not everyone can digest your remark that sometimes sound super harsh. Nope. Speaking of giving advise, do it will full manner. Not in comparison language. Just don't.

Especially toward the new mommy which of course have zero knowledge...they need your experience to be share just as reference not necessary mandatory to follow if not 'Bad mommy' sticker place all over the forehead.

Come on. Stop judging.

lemme judge you back.

Sometimes social media plays a huge part in giving extra knowlege but they also can kill the mommy slef esteem. Especially when they saw many other mom who look so fine so pretty so gorgeous sexy curvy with perfect baby and kids around, with huge and comfy house and awesome people around them....and here I am sitting all alone feel like potato 😂

I bet every woman want the best for their love ones especially a mother feelig toward the babies. Who can deny mothers love. Its the greatest of all after God's love.

To all mommy out there. Keep your chin up.
You don't have to be perfect. To your kids eye, you are already perfect enough. Unbeatable, superior, superwoman, heroes!!. So don't feel too bad if you can't achieve what other mommy can. Don't smash your head when you can't provide like what other mommy provide.

Just provide loves. Thats all what the babies need.

Perfect mom didn't exist but irreplaceable mom do exist in every family. No one can replace you because you are womderful woman and mommy.