Monday 19 August 2024

Fun video of pretty trios

 Salam alayk

I have no idea where does this spirit of writing came but I can say the one that inspire me is Reen Zahari. I accidentally watch her video with her friends, Athirah and Alani during Korea trip on Jan 2017. It was hella fun trip to be watch and I already repeat watching three times...

I saw three beautiful lady in the video with crazy head (masuk air) and the genuine video was fun. Its not typical heavy edited video , just a normal shaky but fun video capturing moment. 

And from the video, I found one of the girls blog and it automatically inspired me. Okay they went to Korea on 2017 and now is 2024... How time flies. All three of them already so success in their life and still pretty as always. 

January is the month in my opinion that is worth to visit Seoul if you aim for the snow. But of course snow is so unpredictable and its no guarantee you will get a heavy one like in the video. Of course you always have second option. Sapporo. Yes, that place is the real Narnia. 

You can enjoy the video. 


I love their funky and playful...and they were so pretty and real. You know some vlogger, youtuber and influencer tend to control their hype and cover ayu. These girl don't. Mind you of them even nowadays one of beauty entreprenuer .

Now I missed Korea even more.

Tadika kemas activities


Recently I attend school (tadika kemas) gotong royong and participate in ...wait how to say tanam sawi in english. Yeah that. 🀣

We did some hydroponic watering and it was fun but tiring of course with hot weather but nevertheless it was second activity of that school which I joined. My twins officially start school this year and I'm entering mom-attend-school-event era. It was fun. 

Oh this is the second activity as the first one is mesyuarat pibg and yes it was fun as well. New challenge new life. That is the benefit of not working ( although I know I need to work to earn money ).. Hopefully if one fine day I restart working, I can still join any activities for my children. Be present, I know, that is the most important part. 

Be present. 

Be there.

Pat them on their back.

Smile toward them.

So that they know, we will always be there for them.

Oh dear, there goes my emotional night.

It was fun fun fun and I met new people, other mom...and it will be memorable for me. I don't know what event for Hana next in future but during her twin brother event, she never missed it.  Good start huh.

HELLO.... A years later

 Salam alayk and hello...

It's been a year(?) since the last update for this blog and phewwww I have no excuses to my laziness phase , lazybum attitude, lazy....and yes for all the word that shout the same purpose.


I guess I'm feeling so down and out of place these days and writing is my self cure back then. Perhaps I shall start writing again. 

Monday 28 November 2022

Little bestfriend

 Having said that I may lost some of my best buddy while growing up and growing old, who knew that Allah replace it with one tiny little girl.

My little bestfriend.

Little? Because she is my daughter. I have an insecurity and fear of having one ( a daughter ) because I have a very bad stigma on daughter especially me, myself and I. I never really thought I could love one. And yet, Allah prove me wrong. My little pumpkin is Hana Mishka and she is my everything. Will forever be my everything. 

I have a twin son and yes they were my everything as well but having said that daughter mother relationship is somewhat unique. Or maybe my trauma kills that. 

This little girl of mine, she really is cute and cheeky. So active and boils my blood ( haha ). She is mischievous as well and always tesde her brother. While I am writing this, she still at the age of 15 month. Not even two years old but Allah knows how mind boggle I am.

This lady sleeps early and wake up earliest. Early bird catch the most worms they said. 

And yes her abi is her first boyfriend like every daughter. Ever since Hana was born, its always her before me to my husband. Hmmmmmmmm. And Hana is a jealousy little girl she doesn't like it when my husband and I were sitting next to each other. How cute (....not )...oh well still cute. 

To my daughter Hana Mishka.
Please grow up wonderfully, beautifully and be the bright and clever girl. A muslimah who is obedient to Allah. A good muslimah who knows how to take care of her modesty and herself. 

I may not be able to protect you entire time but I leave it to Allah.

I love you....forever. Here and after. Saranghae baby girl. 

Monday 22 March 2021

Phase of life

 As I crawl my body to get myself out of the bed, my twinnies start to whine and cry. They didn't want to let me go. Nope they did not! I was trying my best to get off the bed because I need to pee and pray and take a bath before going to work. These two little angel are not really gave their cooperation to me. Almost every morning, the drama continues...

I was one verge of screaming because if there's more delay, I will get to work late. And I couldn't buy breakfast. Haih~ 

Istighfar.... Astaghfirullahalazim.

Our life really change from one phase to another. More and more challenging  day ahead. All we have to do ( as simple as it seems.. ) is to live a life to the fullest. Everyday is a new day. Just move on. Appreciate the present, let go the past and embrace the future.

There is no life without an obstacle. 

There is no hardship without purpose.

There is no trial without pahala from Allah.

Be the best version of yourself.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Corona Virus blessing in disguise?

Often we complaining on not having enough rest and such. Whenever our kids crying for attention, the word 'I'm busy with work' always slipped careslessly from our mouth and who knows those word are sword stabbing every inner child feelings.

They're longing for their parent. They want to hug their mommy daddy. They just the presence of their parent. But we, always mislook those 'needs'.

However, nowadays since corona virus attacking the whole world, collapsing us in every other way, we felt like we're losing everything. Stop! Take a closer look on your surrounding. Your kids have you and you have your time. Rest is all you need? Rest!. Time is all you need? You got it.

Go hug your children. Play with them. Listen to them. Spend time with them and at least, sit beside them so they can feel your presence. Your presence is much more valuable than any other expensive toys.

They need you.
The children need you.
Your body need you.
The world need to rest too.

So please make these covid19 lockdown as blessing in disguise. See it that way and you'll be thankful.

I'd say....alhamdulillah.

You say?

Sunday 29 March 2020

A letter to dear self : Thank you for keep holding on

When I was a child....I used to have this thinking that when I grow up, I want to become an astraunut.

Yeah...thanks to tons of space-type movie such as 'spaxe above and beyond, X-Files, startrek, starwars and much more that sometimes I even dreamed of it.

As the time pass by, I grow up and my ambition has ton down a bit. No more astraunut, just a pilot.

And I worked hard for it. Eventhough I still not becoming one, but I already make progress. Work hard matters and result will follows.

Now, I am quite old already. Surpassing 30++ is an old number for me but my ambition still there. I still want to become a pilot. I know, it may be too late but it is possible. Allah knows and Allah can make it happens.

Did I spend my time regretting over this? Nope.
Should I just go for other ambition? Nope.

I still love my dream to become a pilot and a writer. Just that.

If Allah wills, Allah will show me the way.

Thank you dear self, for keep holding on.

Monday 2 December 2019



Korea again? Yerpp.  As the title said above. It's Korea again... How can I stop myself from going there. Its my joyful place, my love.

I don't really think of other place instead of Korea but I do however,still in my deepest hehart, wanted to go to Japan, Germany, Norway etc someday. InsyaAllah.

But for now, Korea is the most affordable ( still expensive lah in the name of travel but way cheaper than europe and its neighbour country )... But someday insyaAllah when I able to earn money, I will go.

Travel and witness the beauty of Allah creation,what's wrong that.

Monday 7 October 2019

[ MOVIE ] The Odd Family : Zombie On Sale

Hello people.

Previously the most popular zombie when it comes to the land of kimchi/kpop will always be Train To Busan. Who doesn't love that Gong Yoo movie. Epic one!

And yes it still Train To Busan until now iny opinion.... Eventhough they tried to make another zombie movie but using joseon era by title Rampant ( handsome Janghyuk as hero....come on!) , nothing can still beat Train To Busan.

However.... Today me and my husband are sitting down after dinner, watching TVN movies title The Odd Family : Zombie on sale.  Or in korean language κΈ°λ¬˜ν•œ κ°€μ‘± ( gimyohan kajuk )

At first the title itself didnt attract me but while I was nursing my little twins, I could hear my husband kept on laughing. He claimed the scene are too funny. Its a movie about a family, an odd one of course. They accidentally met one zombie and to make long story short, their father got bitten by it. Terrified on how it will make their father become a zombie too, somehow it didn't. In fact, their father become younger, youthful vibe and strongly active.

This bizarre condition lead them to make profit from it as the village people also wanted to look young etc. They named the zombie Park Jjongbi. In order to look young and radiant, the village people need to let Jjongbi bite them. And when they thought everything is going with the flow, the village people somehow turning into zombie itself and chaos happpened.


The movie kinda remind me of Warm Bodies if you have watch it you might agree with me. But its fine with me because warm bodies also my jam and favorite. Probably because of the soft hearted jjongbi and not forget to mention he is good looking. Plus, the theme is family and sibling bonding when you find different characteristic in everyone starting from oldest brother and his wife, second brother and youngest sister. Its Its hilarious yet so comedic .

If you are looking for simple funny and entertaining movie, I suggest you guys to watch this. Its hella funny I was laughing so much.

Thursday 12 September 2019

[ MOVIE ] The Secret Scripture

Bawling my eyes out. Period.

Have you watch a movie which make you feel sad like seriously sad that you absentmindedly starting to bawling , sobbing and cry. Yes tears rolled down nonstop and I was even sobbing loudly.


Watch the trailef yourself...if you are in the aame boat me you'll definitely like it. If this is not the genre cup of your tea then you might not liking it.

The synopsis for this movie ;

Residing in a psychiatric hospital, a woman receives visits from a young psychologist whose interest in her diary triggers flashbacks of her youth, which was filled with romance, obsession and turmoil.

I am accidentally watch it while nursing my twins and somehow my eyes glued to the tv and as the movie went deeper, I didn't move an inch...

The storyline is sooooooooo sad. Perhaps I am enjoying the lovey dovey feels from Rose and Micheal. From the start til married til separated. I found my heart attched to the feels they portray.

Micheal and Rose love each other so muh but destiny separate them. Thank god they manage to get married but the happiness episode stop there when Micheal and Rose are separated. And later, Rose was taken to psychiatry hospital for treatment as they claim she was crazy and never get marry to anyone.

She already pregnant so it was impossible but there is one bad charactor ''pastor Gaunt' he kinda make people think it was his baby. Damn you.

And Rose managed to escape just before deliver but she somehow gave birth at sea shore... She took a stone and from people eyes far from her,it seems like she killed her baby boy but its not. She actually cut the umbilical cord on her own. :( The baby stop crying.

She passed out and when she woke up, again, return to the mental hospital, they said her baby was dead . They lied.

She was then isolated and began to write inside a book the story of her own....and that was what brings the young psyhiatrist 40years later to develop interest in her past.

To much plot twist ..that doctor was her baby and it was then revealed Micheal was killed when he seek for her and his last word was to tell Rose on how he often think of her which of course, no one told her.


She was waiting for a husband that is no longer alive. :(

I bawled and hug my gosh. Even til now I feel sad. Maybe it was me...just me.
